The 10 Commandments of Success

Healthcare Leadership

with Dan Nielsen


Over the years, as a senior healthcare executive, hospital CEO, entrepreneur, and speaker/facilitator, I have given away hundreds—probably more than a thousand—copies of the superb book, The Greatest Success In the World, written by the one and only Og Mandino.


According to his Amazon author page, “Og Mandino is the most widely-read inspirational and self-help author in the world. Former president of Success Unlimited magazine, Mandino was the first recipient of the Napoleon Hill Gold Medal for literary achievement. Og Mandino was a member of the International Speakers Hall of Fame and honored with the Masters of Influence by the National Speakers Association. Og Mandino died in 1996, but his books continue to inspire countless thousands all over the world.” His books have sold over 50 million copies and have been translated into over twenty-five different languages.


In this excellent book, Mandino beautifully describes what he calls “The 10 Commandments of Success.” They are:


  1. Thou Must Labor Each Day As If Thy Life Hung In The Balance
  2. Thou Must Learn That With Patience Ye Can Control Thy Destiny
  3. Thou Must Chart Thy Course With Care Or Ye Will Drift Forever
  4. Thou Must Prepare For Darkness While Traveling In The Sunlight
  5. Thou Must Smile In The Face Of Adversity Until It Surrenders
  6. Thou Must Realize That Plans Are Only Dreams Without Action
  7. Thou Must Sweep Cobwebs From Thy Mind Before They Imprison Thee
  8. Thou Must Lighten Thy Load If Ye Would Reach Thy Destination
  9. Thou Must Never Forget That It Is Always Later Than Ye Think
  10. Thou Must Never Strive To Be Anything But ThyselfIf you are looking for an absolutely excellent, inspiring resource to learn from, share, and discuss with your direct reports, your team, your division, your entire organization or even your customers and clients, you will not go wrong with The Greatest Success in the World. I have over 3,000 books in my personal library. Without question, this book is in the top 5!I am available to make presentations and lead workshops based on this superb book. Regardless of how you do it, as a leader I encourage you to use this book to lead, teach, coach, and model these powerful and eternal great commandments and principals for true and lasting personal, professional, and organizational success.

Each and every person you lead and influence desires to reach his or her full potential. Taken seriously and applied in their lives, this short but priceless book and resource will help them reach their full potential!


Copyright © 2016 by Dan Nielsen –

About the Author

Dan Nielsen
About Dan Nielsen Dan Nielsen is the author of the books Presidential Leadership (2013) and Be An Inspirational Leader (2016). He regularly writes and speaks on the topics of Leadership Excellence and Achieving Greater Success, and is available to deliver keynote presentations or facilitate discussions for your organization. For more info, please visit or email Dan at

1 Comment on "The 10 Commandments of Success"

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