What Great Leaders Do

Today’s article is the ninth in a series learning from the book by Paul Smith, Lead With A Story: A Guide to Crafting Business Narratives that Captivate, Convince, and Inspire.


In chapters 15 and 16, the author provides excellent advice and riveting stories that leaders can use to motivate, inspire, and build courage among team members and colleagues.


All leaders would be well advised to use this wisdom, and the stories that make the application of this wisdom real, understandable, actionable and memorable.


At the end of chapter 16 the author includes a summary of some of the excellent stories and superb wisdom:


  • “Perseverance in the face of repeated failure is one of the hallmarks of greatness… The story of President Lincoln [included in chapter 16] has been providing courage for over 100 years without getting old. Use it.”


  • “[As Thomas Edison once said] ‘Many of life’s failure are people who didn’t realize how close they were to success when they gave up.’ Don’t be one of them.”


  • “Fear of failing the first time is an even more common obstacle to action. Small steps shrink the size of the challenge. Use the story of the shrinking giant [chapter 16] to bolster courage to take those first steps.”


  • “Being worried about what other people think of you can stifle your courage and creativity. When you see someone holding back from trying something daring for fear of embarrassment or ridicule, share Richard Feynman’s story [chapter 16]. Then ask the person, ‘what do you care what other people think?’”


Motivate, inspire, and build courage among team members and colleagues.


That is what great leaders do!


How about you? Is that what you do?


NielsenCopyright © 2013 by Dan Nielsen – www.dannielsen.com

National Institute for Healthcare Leadership – www.nihcl.com

America’s Healthcare Leaders – www.americashealthcareleaders.com


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