Editor’s Note: What does it take to be a leader?

Vision, communication skills, empathy and simply being nice

Mark Thill

Things I learned about leadership from this year’s Women Leaders in Supply Chain:

  • “I have always believed if you develop a culture of trust, the relationship will flourish, and success will be easier to achieve no matter the level of complexity. Always listen to others, be open to advice and ideas, and always look for ways to be better.” – Aimee Hollier
  • “I have learned that leading with authenticity and building trust and alignment with all constituents who are touched by the services we provide, are core ingredients of leadership.” – Amanda Chawla
  • “A successful supply chain leader is an individual who knows the value of their team around them, and who supports and believes in their strengths and weaknesses. [He or she] builds character with that team and truly appreciates them. A leader is one who has the company’s values at heart and also looks ahead to changes that may be ahead.” –Amber Hancock
  • “Listen and hear your team and customers and find the common ground that moves everyone forward to a mutual goal. Be a mentor, but understand mentoring goes both ways – you can learn as much as you teach. Last, and most important to me: Be nice. It can be contagious and create a more relaxed work environment, where people are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas.” – Angela Miller
  • “Leaders today and in the future can’t get stuck in believing that what worked in the past will work going forward. Leaders need to listen to those on the front lines in the hospitals and the support staff about what’s working, what isn’t, and their ideas.” – Diane Gorrell
  • “I know now that as the system grows and technology advances, change is inevitable. As a leader, it is my responsibility to embrace and communicate the ‘why’ behind the change.” – Emily Perry
  • “Compassionate leadership, emotional intelligence and the ability to drive and support innovation will continue to be key characteristics of a successful supply chain leader. The ability to empower others, encourage innovative thinking and coach teams to embrace change are important to continue driving healthcare forward and for developing the leaders of the future.” – Jennifer Tokash
  • “One of the ways that I’ve grown the most is learning how better to balance the needs of the corporation as a whole vs. the individual facility or individual clinician.” – Karen Regal
  • “It is important for everyone to be at the table, understanding the goals, both financial and contractual, to ensure that the organization’s best interests are being served. The ability to see the big picture, from a strategic standpoint, and to communicate that vision in an articulate manner, keeps everyone aligned.” – Kendra Moravek
  • “I spent one summer during college doing genetic research while also working on a Congressional campaign. We lost the campaign, but I won with the knowledge that I could make a difference in understanding how our laws and regulations affect everyday people, healthcare providers, the healthcare system at large, and the lives we lead.” – Khatereh Calleja
  • “I believe the key characteristic of a successful supply chain leader is the ability to communicate and collaborate with all levels within the supply system. It is a team effort from the C-suite, physicians, clinician leaders, end users and vendors.” – Mary Phillips
  • “The world is changing so quickly around us that staying on top of key developments in multiple fields is really important. Hiring and retaining top talent is critical for success and getting buy-in and support from key stakeholders across the ecosystem.” – Rachael Fleurence
  • “The supply chain leaders I admire most use innovation, leadership, and team building in conjunction with their supply chain focus, and have the tenacity to take on complex, long-term projects.” – Robin Lincoln
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