OGSIVEO FDA approved for desmoid tumors, available at Biologics by McKesson

December 5, 2023- Biologics by McKesson, an independent specialty pharmacy specializing in oncology and rare disease, was selected by SpringWorks Therapeutics as a limited distribution specialty pharmacy for OGSIVEOTM (nirogacestat), which is a gamma secretase inhibitor indicated for adult patients with progressing desmoid tumors who require systemic treatment.

OGSIVEO, which was approved on Nov. 27, 2023, by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) based on response data from the DeFi trial, is an oral, selective, small molecule gamma secretase inhibitor for the treatment of adult patients with progressing desmoid tumors. OGSIVEO is the first drug to be approved for this rare type of non-cancerous tumor. Also referred to as aggressive fibromatosis, desmoid tumors are locally invasive, slow growing soft tissue tumors. Although considered benign because of their inability to metastasize, desmoid tumors can cause significant morbidity and occasionally mortality in patients.

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