Thermo Fisher Scientific introduces array-based solution for blood type research

May 16, 2024- Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. introduced the Applied Biosystems Axiom BloodGenomiX™ Array and Software, a first-of-its-kind solution for more precise blood genotyping in clinical research. The new array detects most extended and rare blood groups, tissue (HLA) and platelet (HPA) types in a single, high-throughput assay, supporting future advancements in donor blood matching for extended phenotypes.

Blood typing is a critical medical service used to match blood and tissue types ahead of transfusions and transplants. When an individual receives incompatible blood, they can form antibodies that can increase the risk of a severe, even life-threatening, reaction to future transfusions. This risk increases significantly for people who receive frequent transfusions, such as patients undergoing chemotherapy and people with inherited blood disorders such as sickle cell disorder.

While testing for the four main blood types (A, B, AB, and O) and determining if the blood is Rh positive or negative is common practice, there are many more blood group systems, including some extremely rare blood types. Research is critical to bring extended blood typing into strategies to mitigate potential risks of hemolytic transfusion reactions in the future.

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