New embryo-like model simulates early human blood production

December 14, 2023- University of Pittsburgh researchers have developed a new embryo-like model derived from adult cells that replicates key features of early human development, including the generation of blood cells.

Described in Naturethe new heX-Embryoid model provides a unique window into early human development, which has been shrouded in mystery because of ethical and technical challenges of studying this period of life. HeX-Embryoids, which do not use fetal tissue and cannot develop into an embryo, could enhance research on genetic diseases and infertility and make cells to replace or repair tissues for regenerative medicine applications.

Remarkably, the heX-Embryoid models formed structures similar to the first sites to produce blood cells that support the developing embryo called blood islands. The researchers also detected progenitors of red blood cells, platelets and different types of white blood cells. 

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